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This resource is available online in an easy to access and read format. A person’s family or friends can be their advocates, or their advocate may be a professional. An advocate can also sometimes speak or write on the behalf of another person. MHCC hopes you find the Manual useful, it is a well-regarded resource that aims to assist you understand your rights and advocate An advocate is a person who will support someone and help them stand up for their rights, needs and wants. The Manual is written to support customers, carers, support people and practitioners and provides a wide range of mental health and related material. This guide is produced by Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) to provide an invaluable resource bringing together information useful to anyone needing to navigate the complex mental health service system in NSW. The Mental Health Rights Manual is a plain English guide written to help you better understand your rights, find out where to access support and discover information for yourself or someone you know. Mental Health Rights Manual An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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